You can now download and read my full essay, Beyond Disbelief, written for the Bigelow Institute of Consciousness essay contest. It is my answer to the question: “What is the best evidence for life after death.” Go to this page for the link.
Past Life Exploration and Discovery
Have you lived before?
I'm Carol Bowman, past life therapist and reincarnation researcher.
To me, reincarnation is not an abstract religious concept or a philosophy. It's a natural phenomenon that can be observed empirically and understood. Reincarnation touches everybody. Understanding how it affects our lives directly can change how we live our lives, how we think about relationships, our feelings, fate, and death. Seeing the connection between past lives and present reality leads to profound personal benefits, both spiritual and practical.
This website is where you can learn about past life regression therapy, and also learn about children's past lives, a topic I've studied and written about over the last thirty years.
Past Life Regression
I had been a practicing past life therapist since 1989, and had conducted thousands of in-person sessions in my office. But since July 2023, I’m fully retired and no longer see clients.
Children’s Past Lives
The link Children's Past Lives takes you to an introduction to my research on the spontaneous past life memories of very young children. Read excerpts from my books, Children’s Past Lives, and, Return from Heaven, which are published around the world in 22 languages.
If you want to dig deeper, I've put a host of articles and excerpts in the Library section.
Past Life Forum is the oldest and largest reincarnation discussion forum on the Internet. My husband, Steve, and I started it in 1997. Our hard-working, volunteer moderators keep the tone of the discussions civil and on-topic. It's a sanctuary where parents can share and ask questions about their own kids' past life memories. You'll find thousands of threads covering questions of past life regression therapy, and reincarnation research and speculation, in addition to hundreds of cases of children's memories.
Join us in exploring what past lives and reincarnation means for you.