Donate to Support the Forum

The Past Life Forum is volunteer-run and member-supported. Member donations pay for hosting (which is considerable--lots of storage and bandwidth), and software upgrades. Nobody who works here gets paid.

If you derive value from the messages and community on this Forum, we ask that you donate a minimum of $10. If you are a regular, we're glad you're here, and we ask that you donate a minimum of $20--or more. Member donations are the Forum's only support. Without them, it couldn't exist.

There are two ways to donate.

By PayPal

Click on this button and follow directions. It's easy and only takes a minute.  If you have an account already, you can still pay with a credit card.

By Mail

PayPal is completely safe and secure. But if you don't want to use your credit card, or don't have one, we are happy to accept a check.

Make it payable to "Past Life Forum c/o Carol Bowman" and mail to:

Past Life Forum 145 Latches Lane Media, PA 19063

Some Forum History

Once upon a time (in 1997), the Forum was started, run, and supported by Steve and Carol Bowman to answer parents' questions arising from their first book, Children's Past Lives. It was originally called "Children's Past Lives Forum."

Over the years the Forum has grown way beyond its original purpose, and now serves as a community for a wide range of spiritual discussion and exchange. The name was soon changed to "Reincarnation Forum," and very recently, to reflect the expanded scope even more, the moderator team and the Bowmans, after much debate, decided to change the name to "Past Life Forum."

Everybody Contributes

Carol and Steve Bowman remain the "executive producers" of the Forum. They pay the bills and they're ultimately responsible.

The moderators are really what make it happen. They each contribute hundreds of hours per year to make it one of the best-moderated spiritual Forum on the 'net.

Members like you help defray a portion of the direct cost through donations and by buying books through our links at the bottom of each Forum page and in theReincarnation Bookstore (we get a small commission on each one from So we hope that you will donate your share, and be generous so we can keep the Forum running and the quality high.

Questions or Problems?

First go to the Forum Issues section and post your question. The moderators will get back to you within 24 hours (usually faster). Or Email any of the moderators at